Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tshirt and apron,

Hey team why don't we use iron on prints for the tshirts and the apron, that way the felters can replicate it all by them selves, otherwise they can get them professionally printed if they have enough money.

Also I think we should get make a document that states where all the stuff that we made by hand can be reproduced professionally.

Also also I got all the materials for the box, and I am working on it now....


  1. hey awesome sounds great!

    iron on prints sound like a good idea where can we get that done custom? jesse and i were discussing screen printing...

    yes def need a guideline sheet thing for everything would be very handy. like A MANUAL!!!

    yay for working on the box. im excited.

  2. also also if you havnot yet checked sols we got a 3 for preso so yay~

  3. I haven't checked yet so thanks that's great woo!

  4. I was thinking the exact same thing, we need a "where else to print it"

    and I reckon a blackout guide to how to assemble everything, with diagrams on how to make it and speed test and all that junk. Would be grand for them.
