Thursday, May 13, 2010

felt ????

just a few questions for the feltmakers..

• Potentially how many of each kind of stationery would they be needing and how often?
e.g. postcards - how many will they want to have printed and how often?

• How long does it take to make an A1 size piece of felt?

• Preference with stamping vs printing? Up to about how many until they don't want to handmake them?

• How expensive is felt? e.g. could potentially be using a bit for our work. e.g. bookmarks also.

• Can we get a copies of their past newsletters?

• Have they currently got a printery they use or would they like us to find them quotes for a good, cost efficient printer for them?

1 comment:

  1. thanks annie.. this is super!!! have a great weekend..
