Thursday, March 25, 2010

Job List for Monday

Explore mediums of backing for the type set "BLACKOUT"
mediums to explore prehaps;
watercolour, acrylics, spray paint, charcoal, pastels, lead, etc.
Remember; try stick to rectangle shape for at least a good portion of each experiment.

Additionally, scans of thick permanent marker lines which trail of would be great too. And some scan of some lower fibered paper for texture of "BLACKOUT" word.

Skeleton of Time Sheet, Unique fold apart from gateway, emailing Jo about size restrictions of return brief etc, prehaps start thinking about mediums for printing, where, on what, etc. begin writing a pro and con list of logo strength and weaknesses.

Create unique lettering for blackout to distinguish it slightly from other common found typefaces -- appealing more to the imagery and concept behind BLACKOUT, find complete usable typography which would be used throughout documents and stationary.

1 comment:

  1. awesome thanks for putting this post up.

    im going to post some stuff up in a sec.

    em were you still planning on posting up the stuff you showed last meeting?
