Hi team.
Here is what I have been working on this arvo..
The edge isn't really happening for me, I don't have a strong enough concept..
I've been working on crop and playing with type and also putting some of my old photos from the stomp project just to see how things are flowing.
The ones on the right side are my favourite. I like the idea of cropping an image behind the text, or cropping certain parts of letters, but I'd love feedback and if you guys don't like it that is so fine.
Excellent, well I will work further on the weekend but I just wanted to put something up!
i really like your thingy it looks pretty awesome. I actually think the bottom left one is really quite nice. but the ones on the right are similarly sweet as.
i do agre that compared to that the edge one looks not as strong.
i think the colours both work quite well. i always tend to go for reds buttt the colours in the bottom left one make it look sophisticated and elegant. and yet dynamic. not saying the red one doesnt.
i do think typography wise itd need some work done butt overall i think that they look liek a great start on this crop concept!
ps. GO EMILY! you added a picture :D