Monday, June 14, 2010


Here the how to guide. It need the very last page edited.

can you also please make a cover. Something simple. I'm SO tired.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Website update: Got the images to change sucessfully. However the dynamic text is being a problem seeming I'm getting an error which is normally simply solved therefore I any clue as to why it happening escapes me.

I'm working on it but I think I'll need to start again with a fresh head.

Beside that, I've got the java nearly working for the drop down menu -- I can't believe they wanted a WORKING website. Srsly fml, I knew it would be like this but still. FML.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the logos for stickers

For Mitch..
the blackout logo

The Blackout logo with no background..
and feltmakers..

List of Tasks

Here is a list of what needs to be done and who is doing it because Annie and Emily were feeling confused...

How To Document
Design of CD sticker
(Let us know if this is too much jesse)

Style Guide
Apron Design
Ring up Printer re printing on Tuesday

Badge/magnet digital copy
Swing Tag
Stickers (Blackout and Feltmakers)
A3 Document for Jo
Covers of A3 Document

A3 Document for Jo
Watercolour paper scan for Jesse

With Compliments slip
T-shirt Document
CD Case

Everything needs to be done and brought to Annie's house at 1pm Monday. Comment if you are having trouble with anything...


postcard backs for jesse

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is the style guide for The Illawarra Feltmakers Inc, - the first incorporated group of feltmakers in NSW. It provides an avenue for those interested in the craft of feltmaking to meet, learn more skills and felt together on a social basis.

The logo consists of two parts: the pictogram (essentially the emblem and recognisable image for the company) and the logotype which is one which has been created specially to suit the nature and feel of the organisation.

The shield pictogram draws from the many origins and concepts which arise from the complex and multi-faceted nature of feltmaking. The abstract placing of the shapes is a diagrammatic representation of the contemporary direction the Illawarra Feltmakers are moving towards. The shapes, styling and pattern created is reminiscent of the ornamental and tribal origins of feltmaking.

The use of the shielf itself as a containing feature of these elements effectively treats the company as one which is also corporate which an established “coat of arms,” showing the art of feltmaking to be both elegant and beautiful as well as cemented in historic origins.

When first approached to redesign the identity of the Illawarra Feltmakers, we were asked to maintain elements of their original identity. This involved the use of the drops of water, the swirl and the hand which is diagrammatic of the process of feltmaking.

This completed logo not only effectively incorporates each of these elements with equal importance but also shows a reflection of the origins and art of feltmaking.

Consistent application and precise production of a logo is vital to maintaining the integrity of the companys identity. The purpose of this style guide is to provide a visual guide and general set of rules which will ensure this consistency and prevent compromising the strength of the company’s identity.

It is understood that all users of this logo will comply with the basic rules and regulations as set out in this guide.

Thank you,
